Wave after wave; Cloud after cloud...
My soul wasn't made to contain what shackles me now. My body wasn't made to contain all this rage, My mind wasn't made to behold what happens all around.
I saw this picture and figured I could use this awesome imagery in a blog of mine. First off, I saw the boat being battered and bruised by the waves and even a few boats in front already consumed by the waves. Then looking to the sky I see the clouds parting back like the motion of a window wiper. Our bodies cannot hold more than one master, this is the reason for the warfare. If Satan wants in hes going to be trying very hard.
Wave after wave cloud after cloud.
The battle rages on and on. Up and down side to side; DECIDE.
Decide which master will consume your body and become apart of you. For it is better for you to be Hot or Cold for the Lord will spit out the Lukewarm.
In the words a favorite band of mine put it.....
What a terrible thing to fall into the hands of a living God. Screaming, "It's not my fault!" But the devil does not fight fair. And when you stand before His seat of judgment, what will you hear? What will you hear?
"I never knew you. I don't care! And while you stood at the street corners, screaming your prayers, I starved to death, naked and bare! But you never cared! You never turned your head as I begged beneath pointing, crooked fingers attached to crooked, faithless men! I am consumed by your anger! Terrified by your rage! Love and grace? What a beautiful revelation in relation to the patience you practice towards the sin that you hate. This is the message that I proclaim: Kiss the Son! Because the day will come that you perish from the way. You're toying with the flint that starts the sparks that turn into the fire that fan the flames. I could have been your escape! I Am! But the devil does not fight fair. You sweep people away like dreams that disappear! I Am! But the devil does not fight fair. I could have been your escape!"