This blog is basically a work in the making. Ive been writing since I can remember and now its time to share these with others. As you are able to see the title is letters home. this is to represent me (a soldier of God) writing home to my father (God) after my trials in this eternal war.
Friday, November 12, 2010
I always dread the day i have to say goodbye
Its 3am and my brain is restless
thinking about how long i have left in this rotation
Remembrance day has just past
but all I seemed to want to remember was your smile and the warmth of your body
whether I come home or not its always true
you know what I'm talking about; my love for you
In the calm of the night I cling to that little remnant of us
what we were, what we are, and what we are going to be.
As time goes by I love you more
As time goes by I miss you more
As time goes by I cant stop thinking about how much "Time" we have left
As time goes by....awe forget it!!!
Just take that watch and rip out the hands.
This way we can never be bothered by how much time we have left.
We will move to and from Alaska,
This way we wont be able to tell time from the sun
and we can never be bothered by how much time we have left.
Cause if it were me I think I would marry you
this way I can spend the rest of my life with you
and we can never be bothered by how much time we have left.
And when were both old and sitting in our favorite chairs
we can look at our walls and see that there's no clock and its been daylight for the past 4 days...
this way as time goes by we can concentrate more on us
because we wont be concerned with how much time we have left.
And when its all been said and done I wont have to care
casue Ill see u in heaven for eternity...
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Lyrics for "Sleeping giant" - Ive Seen
The king is dead, long live the King
I see the throne, the pure throne, real before me And the door stands open, and the train of his robe
I've never seen one like it, fills my view, filling my view of you
Oh My God
Above me seraphs wait present, six wings and eyes, covered in praise, they gaze upon you, they scream Holy Holy!
At the sound of their voice, the earth will shake, the foundations tremble, and I fall prostrate before true majesty
Woe is Me
Woe is Me I am ruined, Im ruined Oh my God you've ruined everything for me
Cause I've seen
My eyes have gazed upon the king, I've seen the almighty one
And I'm ruined again, and I cry out Woe is Me
Then one flew to me with a live coal in his hand, and it scorched to the touch, it burns and purifies
I cry out!
I'm just a man of unclean lips, if you heard my speech you'd be ashamed of me
I am a man who is unclean, and my people are not clean
Then he cried out to me saying this has touched you now, your guilt your shame atoned for, don't be ashamed of me
So I wait on you now, I hear a voice too holy to recognize, and to holy to disregard
I hear him cry out, who shall I send?
Whom shall I send? Who will go for me in this generation, whom shall I send out?
And there's a pain in my heart cause there's no one, its like there's no one who's seen
But I am ready because I've seen, I'm ready, I've seen
Here Am I Lord, Please Send Me
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Open the Door

Revelations 3:20 “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me”.
You see, our hearts are full of things we hold dear, like in this story, church, music (Piano) etc. But none of this will last very long if you do not open the door for Jesus. In this story I pictured a minister fed up with people not listening or paying attention when he preached. He grew angry and blocked out Jesus from his heart. The food left outside the door was left by Jesus himself “I will come in and eat with him, and he with me”. The door Jesus knocks on, but refuses to open because we have to open it. The door of our heart ...
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Praise you in the storm
You taught me to bother
to put aside my pride
to hold to your word.
This is all I am
I come before you broken
you became a self fulfilling sacrifice
paid in blood.
I will walk in truth
in awe of your marvelous power
Make me/mold me/form me/use me.
Let me see you lord
let me fly on wings of eagles
soaring in your watchfulness
like a child...protect me/watch me, and care for me.
I look to the clouds and see your hand at work
A real life Mona Lisa painted new everyday.
Wind in my hair and my sorrows my southern shadow.
knock on every door and be poured out into all hearts.
Lord become more, become my heart and pump my body and my life with spirit filled blood.
Lord, clear my head. Get rid of unnecessary thoughts that don't relate to you.
There's more to life than what is around us.
One that is much bigger than our troubles, our tomorrows, and our doubts.
The sin in this world is so thick like glue, and so many times it feels like I am drowning in it.
But you always remind to just hold your hand and you will lead me through.
You are such an great and merciful God and so many times I'm just amazed that you haven't hit all of us with lightning. I sure as heck would have if I were you.
You're coming back incredibly soon. I'm anxious, excited, fearful of the unknown...yet I know you are still in control. I have to hold onto that truth everyday.
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Complete Surrender...
Therefore cast off everything that hinders you, and put on the full armour of God!! Ready yourself for the fight.
Sharpen your blade and your sense's
Polish your breastplate as well as your skills
Harden your steel but not your heart
Tighten your belt yet loosen your grip on worldly possessions
Lash your boots but not your brothers
Wear your helmet on your head as your heart on your sleeve.
We will march straight through hell, into Satan's presence and cut out his tongue to silence his pain.
ARISE and become a warrior!
Tear out our filthy lungs and fight with every last breath till Satan's blood quenches our thirst!
And when we have drunken and refreshed our souls, we will take our place in heaven, beside our beloved Father.
1- Through these gates my love was buried, lost within the stones of this world.
Unhinge this damned gate and set our love free!
2- Through these gates my love was stolen! lost within the lake of fire
With God as my strength Ill tear down this gate and set Gods loved ones free!!!
Back & Forth
Back and forth, side to side
On this white picket fence where you have lied and cried
Just like a kid in a candy store u cant decide.
Do you leave it all behind or do you continue to live blind.
Why cant you see that what I'm telling you isn't substance, its rated PG cause you need your fathers Parental Guidance.
Check your eternal stance cause it seems Ur in a earthly trance.
there's allot of false kings out there but you gotta keep on trucking
your faith can be restored/renewed/created/saturated/plain stated or just plain busted!
The choice is yours.
Tear out your eye's and rip out your spine
Break your legs and shatter your knees
Burn out your tongue and chain up your hands.
These are the things I will do to you SATAN.
When all is said and done the only thing for you to do is fall to your broken knees and bow before the one true lord! and confess his name as you choke on your own blood!!
Choke to confess, CHOKE TO CONFESS
Choke, choke, CCCHHHOOOKKKEEE!!!
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
Waging War...
The gift of God is eternal, and a War won is scarce.
These two lines stand true for my fellow Soldiers (On Both Fronts). There is no winning in a war just a temporary achievement, and with that achievement comes more terror, and puts you on edge because you know your enemy is going to retaliate. the only war I know of that can be Actually Won is found in...
Isaiah 14:12-17
"How you are fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How you are cut down to the ground, You who weakened the nations! For you have said in your heart: 'I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God; I will also sit on the mount of the congregation On the farthest sides of the north; I will ascend above the heights of the clouds, I will be like the Most High.' Yet you shall be brought down to Sheol, To the lowest depths of the Pit. "Those who see you will gaze at you, And consider you, saying: 'Is this the man who made the earth tremble, Who shook kingdoms, Who made the world as a wilderness And destroyed its cities, Who did not open the house of his prisoners?' "All the kings of the nations, All of them, sleep in glory, Everyone in his own house; But you are cast out of your grave Like an abominable branch, Like the garment of those who are slain, Thrust through with a sword, Who go down to the stones of the pit, Like a corpse trodden underfoot"
This verse, the one just read gives me shivers every time I read it. Its the truth and its final. God has and will finally rid us of this thing called sin. We will get new bodies; Heavenly bodies. We will be like soldiers fighting for our eternity in this last War. But I pray your on the right side because the outcome of that war is already decided, Sin will be brought to Sheol and will be cast into the lake of fire forever.
I believe this prophecy will come to pass because other like it have already been fulfilled. Jesus Birth was prophesied approximately 700 years before his actual birth when King Herod was in power; as shown by historians and history records.
Isaiah 7:14
Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
The Tides of Change
When I look around and see all the people in my life
I see change and progression, care and no depression
I cant seem to see change in my own life as I can in others
maybe its because I care more for others than myself but it still hurts.
The tides of change to me have not yet risen.
I can see its my brothers birthday, 22 is getting up there and my 21st to come
Graduation for all the high school students, and my college graduation pending. I'm engaged and getting married, Nothing never seemed so far away.
I find I'm getting comfortable in the Lord and with my spirituality
So its time for the tides of change to wash away the writing in the sand
The writing of all the contentedness, pain, nervousness, resentment, and complacency. Its time to be washed anew in the tides of change.
I find it funny that this; the writing, would be my source of emotional expression. I cant seem to hold back tears when I think of everything I could have done better. Not letting people down, causing hurt and pain. Sometimes I find reasons why its my fault, and I cant seem to lift the weights after I pile them all on. My shoulders aren't strong enough to carry the weight of the world.
That's why its time for the tides of change to wipe clean the writing in the sand, and for me to step out of what I know and move forward without looking back. I need to. I have to. My future, and well being depend upon it. And If I don't change my complacency, I already know the outcome:
Revelations 3:15-16
“I know all the things you do, that you are neither hot nor cold. I wish that you were one or the other! But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth!"
Now its time for u to do your part. I already know I cant do this on my own, because Ive tried. Ive tried for the past few years. I need to be accountable for my actions; yes even my non-actions. If I stumble help me back up, if I'm drowning resuscitate me with the holy spirit. I need to be pushed into the fire to be refined and molded.
Its hard to ask for help, especially since I brought all this upon myself but when I was reading my bible today I came across:
Ezekiel 18:30-31
" Therefore, O house of Israel, I will judge you, each one according to his ways, declares the Sovereign Lord. Repent! Turn away from all your offenses; then sin will not be your downfall. Rid yourself of all the offenses you have committed, and get a new heart and a new spirit.
Thursday, June 17, 2010
To whom this does concern. I am halfway through my rotation and will be returning home soon. I always seem to run into the most interesting, or if it were you probably the weirdest people you will ever meet. This Iranian man was in the temple praying for his family and friends when I walked in and startled him. He stood up and ran! He came back about 3 minutes later with some water, bread, and a pillow to sit on. Even though the temple was crumbling around him, this priest was not going to give up on that church. No matter how many holes were in the walls. Well it turns out he knew how to speak English and we started conversing. This man who lived off of 2 dollars and 75 cents a week was supporting his family and everyone who came to the temple to pray. I found out that he had bought the bread and water (which I was eating) with his weekly wages.
How could it be that in America and Canada we can barely find time to talk to our own families and care for them but than somehow a priest halfway around the world would show more love and respect to a complete stranger that I do with most people I know. This was what made this all so interesting. When I asked him what drove him to do what he does, he gave me one word...LOVE. He said it stood for Living Our Victories Everyday...
You see to this man caring for a church wasn't about the holes in the walls or the money he didn't have. It was about caring and loving others first to get the victory in Christ no matter what the cost. His church was the people in his community and abroad, flesh and blood bound to an eternity in either heaven or hell. His greatest joy and passion in life was gaining those small victories everyday. I find that you will not get to where you want to go unless you walk, and walking takes small steps. Well Heaven is kinda the same way, you have to make the small victories along the way or else you wont get to where your going. Sometimes I wish I could talk to you in person because there is so much I want to say but this paper is only so long...
I love you all and I will be back soon, Lord permitting...
Lt. Kevin Dilts
Sunday, May 2, 2010
Its been so long since Ive felt the warmth of a bed, or even a pillow for my head. the mortars are all around and its hard to sleep...even if it is just a bed of hay its the best we got. All night long I grasp my rifle, praying and trusting my fellow soldiers wont let the front line down. I miss you Sarah, I miss all you guys. But this was a choice that was made for me long before I ever knew about it. I pray for you all the time, and i hope you do the same. Life is hard on the front lines, never be mistaken of that. The gift I received was free but its not easy to keep. There is a war going on and most people back home don't even know about it. Its like nothing you have ever heard or read about. Te enemy's tactics are decisive and strong.
I have to wrap up now because its lights out in a few minutes but keep praying for me and everyone else out here on the front lines. the ones defending for what is right and just. Remember me and that I have always and will always love you...
Yours sincerely
Lt. Kevin Dilts
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Shell Shock

I awake in a panic looking all around
I can see a tank rolling by, yet I hear no sound
The mark of the beast is splattered all over the thing
I raise my weapon to defend but it's coming up the left wing
It's now or never but I'm frozen in terror
The tank just rolls by and I'm still safe
Somehow I must have been covered by grace
Recovery fire hails down on my enemy
Trumpets sound and the land is shaken
My enemy has fallen and I'm still safe
Somehow I must have been covered by grace
My lieutenant and general, my Lord and Savior
He came back for me, his long lost soldier.
I was caught in battle and got left behind
Back at camp I look into a mirror
All I can see is a bruised and battered face
I can see now I WAS covered by grace.
Thursday, April 8, 2010
Something More
This thing called life
Could this be all
The painful fall
There must be something more
Something to look for
Something thats for sure
More than this broken life
I close my eyes
And tears well up
You wipe away all lies
And leave me with silent cries
As night falls
I look into the mirror
I stare at my face
As I find a dark place
A dark eternal place I don't want to face
I try to stop fueling the pain
There's no self control
So I just let my emotions go
There must be something more
Something to look for
Something that's for sure
More than this broken life
I am so tired
I am so broken
How is it that I am choking
I feel you lift me up
Remove the knot around my neck
And place me in your arms
Exactly where I belong
There is something more
Something to look for
Something that's for sure
More than this broken life
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
One Way
The Revelations of this world.
Are too far gone to be encircled.
I've been on this road so long.
How can one man do so much wrong.
How can one man seem to stay so strong.
I've been on this road for far to long.
Its time to put my running shoes on.
I've got to run and finish this race.
So i can secure my place.
And not be left behind in the wake.
How long will this pain endure.
How long till my pain is cured.
How long will I look on in despair.
How long till I truly care.