I awake in a panic looking all around
I can see a tank rolling by, yet I hear no sound
The mark of the beast is splattered all over the thing
I raise my weapon to defend but it's coming up the left wing
It's now or never but I'm frozen in terror
The tank just rolls by and I'm still safe
Somehow I must have been covered by grace
Recovery fire hails down on my enemy
Trumpets sound and the land is shaken
My enemy has fallen and I'm still safe
Somehow I must have been covered by grace
My lieutenant and general, my Lord and Savior
He came back for me, his long lost soldier.
I was caught in battle and got left behind
Back at camp I look into a mirror
All I can see is a bruised and battered face
I can see now I WAS covered by grace.
This post was done at random using the first picture in Google that came up from the word "WAR" I applied my own thinking and methodology to it and this is what I got. I find that Christians these days are falling behind and getting bruised and battered and are forgetting that GOD isn't going to leave you behind, he will fight for you, he would even go to war for you. Its even in revelations that there is going to be a battle for our souls. even though the battle's outcome is already made up, our purpose here on earth is to use the time given to bring as many of our fellow soldiers (whether they are brothers, sisters, mothers, fathers, even our enemies) we must fight for their souls as-well.